
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Florence and the Machine

Say my name and every color illuminates
We are Shining
And We will never be afraid again

This song empowers me. Florence and the Machine’s tone, determination, color, and dramatics inspire me.

I am a huge fan because of the presentation when she performs, her voice, and how real her words are.

“Leave my Body” is another song I could really relate to today. When you escape from a relationship you know was not good for you, and you part ways, there may be moments of peace like I felt on Sunday at the retreat but then there will be moments of anger especially if they had an addiction that you know was affecting their body and mind. I got so angry yesterday thinking about how naïve I was. It didn’t seem to affect our relationship when we were together since he kept it so separate and respected me and his openness but it still is so disappointing. You can’t change a person. You can just pray for them, let go, and move on. Letting go is hard especially when you care about them and you are a person like me, who likes to inspire people but I'm done. I've wasted enough energy. There are other people in my life I am supposed to inspire and care for. I need to let go and walk away. I have in my actions and we haven’t seen each other, but I need to emotionally.

This is why I also want to share “Heartlines” by Florence and the Machine. It’s about following your heart and sticking with something.

“You have to get hurt. That’s how you learn. The strongest people out there, the ones who laugh the hardest with a genuine smile; those are the people who have fought the toughest battles. Because they’ve decided that they’re not going to let anything hold them down.”

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